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Political Thought
Colonial Government
Birth of Party Politics
War of 1812
James Monroe: "Era of Good Feeling" and the Monroe Doctine
Jacksonian Democracy
Regional Conflict and Compromise
Election of 1860
Civil War 1861-62
Civil War 1863-65
Reconstruction and President Johnson Impeachment
Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Election of 1912: Wilson
Election of 1916 and World War I
Women's Suffrage
Depression and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Prelude to World War II
Pearl Harbor and Mobilization
World War II: European Theater
World War II: Pacific Theater
Atomic Bomb and End of World War II
1948 Election: Truman and Dewey
1960 Kennedy-Nixon Election
1964 Johnson-Goldwater Election
Civil Rights Movement
Vietnam: Evolution of the American Role
Vietnam: Kennedy Administration and Intervention
Vietnam: Escalation and Johnson Administration
Vietnam: Nixon, Ford and the Fall of South Vietnam
1968 Humphrey-Nixon Election
Watergate Scandal
1976 Carter-Ford Election
1980 & 1984 Reagan Elections
Clinton Impeachment
2000 Bush-Gore Election
War in Iraq
2008 Obama-McCain Election
2012 Obama-Romney Election
2016 Election
2016 General Election
Gallery-Civil War
Gallery-Great Depression
Gallery-World War II
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A selection of original sources
Christopher Columbus letter to King Ferdinand reporting on his first voyage March 4, 1493 (American Studies at the University of Virginia)
King Ferdinand's letter to the Taino-Arawak Indians of Haiti sent along with Columbus on his second voyage demanding they accept Christianity and submit to his authority and threatens upon their refusal or delay "with the help of God we shall use force against you, declaring war upon you from all sides and with all possible means, and we shall bind you to the yoke of the Church and of Their Highnesses; we shall enslave your persons, wives and sons, sell you or dispose of you as the King sees fit..." (American History, University of Virginia)
Constitution of the Iroquois Nations circa 1500 (American History, University of Gronigen)
Transcription by William Bradford of text of the Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620 (Wikimedia Commons)
Report of Boston Massacre as published in
Boston Gazette and Country Journal
, March 12, 1770 (Boston Massacre Historical Society)
Deposition of Captain John Parker, commander of militiamen, concerning the Battle at Lexington, April 25, 1775 (National Archives)
Appointment of George Washington as commanding general by Continental Congress, June 17, 1775 (Library of Congress)
Letter from Abigail Adams to husband John Adams urging that he "remember the ladies" in drafting code of laws for new nation, March 31, 1776 (Massachusetts Historical Society)
Thomas Jefferson rough draft of the Declaration of Independence (Library of Congress)
Letter from Benedict Arnold to George Washington pleading for mercy for his wife, September 25, 1780 (Library of Congress)
Painting of surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown October 19, 1781, by artist John Trumbull (Architect of the Capitol)
Map of the United States as established by Treaty of Paris with Great Britain in 1783 (Library of Congress)
Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson describing the cordial greeting he received from King George III as the first American minister to Great Britain, June 3, 1785 (Library of Congress)
Subpoena served on Thomas Jefferson to testify at Aaron Burr's trial for treason, June 13, 1807 (Library of Congress)
President Jefferson message to Congress advising of the cession of the province of Louisiana from France to the United States and requesting that it enact legislation to complete the transfer, October 21, 1803 (National Archives)
Correspondence between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton which led to duel on July 11, 1804 resulting in Hamilton's death (New York State Historical Association)
Letter from First Lady Dolley Madison to sister describing preparations for departing White House prior to British burning of Washington, August 23, 1814 (White House Historical Association)
Draft of Abraham Lincoln's instructions to Major Robert Anderson in command at Fort Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina, April 4, 1861 (Library of Congress)